Coopervision 180 Thruway Park Drive West Henrietta, NY14586
Proposed 152,950 S.F. expansion of the existing building.
Status Updates
November 12, 2021 Planning Board Meeting
A meeting will be held at 12:00 p.m. for the Planning Board to declare their intent to be the Lead Agency for a coordinated SEQR review regarding the final site plan approval of a 152,950 S.F. warehouse & office space expansion to the existing building located at 180 Thruway Park Drive, in an Industrial Zoned District. Tax Account Nos. 188.02-1-59.1 & 188.02-1-62.1. (Administrative re-subdivision is pending).
December 14, 2021 Planning Board Meeting
For final site plan approval of a 152,950 S.F. warehouse and office space addition to the existing building located at 180 Thruway Park Drive in an Industrial Zoned District. Tax Account Nos. 188.02-1-59.1 & 188.02-1-62.1. (Administrative re-subdivision is pending) (SEQR)
Application Approved
January 5, 2022 Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting
Requesting a variance to allow 3 entrances/exits from a single street frontage, whereas only 2 entrances/exits from a single street frontage are allowed under Henrietta Town Code 240-3C(1).
Requesting a variance to allow for a total of 786 parking spaces (565 constructed and 221 land-banked), whereas 1,029 parking spaces are required under Henrietta Town Code 295-44A.
Requesting a variance to allow for a rear setback of 59.5’, whereas a rear setback of 60’ is required under Henrietta Town Code 295-28C.